Case History

Case History

Title Document
Title:‘Best-of-Play’ Scorecard: Utica Shale Document:View
Title:A strategy for cutting the high costs of over-flushing - Eagle Ford Document:View
Title:A unique approach to each fracture ensures appreciable increases in per-well recoveries Document:View
Title:Acting on modeling insight more than doubles gas production - Marcellus Shale Document:View
Title:ASSETGUARD polyurea eliminates leaks on salt water disposal Document:View
Title:CARBOAIR enables the effective completion of a long open hole gravel pack (OHGP) in the North Sea Document:View
Title:CARBOAIR lands 100% success rate in Alpha/Beta gravel packs Document:View
Title:CARBOGRIND ceramic media improves quality, increases efficiency and reduces costs for gold mining operation Document:View
Title:Cast media costs reduced by 55% per cubic foot and cleaning time lowered by 75% Document:View
Title:Casting defects eliminated, saving a billion-dollar casting project Document:View
Title:Ceramic grinding media reduces vertical mill component wear and maintenance costs for mining company Document:View
Title:Ceramic proppant outperforms sand completed wells in Bakken, Dunn County Document:View
Title:Ceramic proppant tops sand in comparative analysis - Granite Wash Document:View
Title:Ceramic scouring media reduces media consumption, resulting in an estimated $700K savings per year Document:View
Title:Ceramic-enhanced completion improves ROI compared to sand only, Middle Bakken, Williams County Document:View
Title:Cleaning cost reduced while achieving high casting precision Document:View
Title:Completion evaluation delivers $1.13 million in incremental value Document:View
Title:Diversion with CARBOBALL results in more uniform stimulation across low pressure reservoir Document:View
Title:Effectively measuring propped fracture geometry in challenging unconventional wells Document:View
Title:Engineered completion optimization process increases production and NPV, Bone Springs Document:View
Title:Engineered completion optimization process increases production and NPV, Bone Springs Document:View
Title:Enhanced productivity in multiphase fracture flow - Eagle Ford Document:View
Title:EQUIPMENTGUARD durability, versatility key to custom GPU containment installation Document:View
Title:FALCON Technologies GROUNDGUARD Pre-fabri cated Liner Eliminates Leaks on a Well Cellar Containment Document:View
Title:Fracture mapping set to deliver $50m of value in the Wilcox sands Document:View
Title:GROUNDGUARD chosen to prevent water loss due to poor soil conditions around canal gate Document:View
Title:GROUNDGUARD creates a seamless bond on well cellar containment Document:View
Title:GROUNDGUARD installs quickly, provides long-term, seamless pond lining solution Document:View
Title:GROUNDGUARD reduces overspray resulting in cost savings and less downtime Document:View
Title:Increasing short- and long-term dry gas production - Haynesville Shale Document:View
Title:Inert tracer signals validate refracturing efficacy Document:View
Title:KRYPTOSPHERE LD helps enhance production in high-stress Colombia well Document:View
Title:Los costos de medios de fundición se redujeron un 55% por pie cúbico y el tiempo de limpieza se disminuyó un 75%. Document:View
Title:Los medios de molienda cerámico reducen el desgaste de los componentes internos de los molinos verticales y los costes de mantenimiento de una compañía minera Document:View
Title:Low-density ceramic proppant elevates production in Niobrara discovery - Piceance basin Document:View
Title:Mining company reduces media consumption 50% by switching to CARBOGRIND ceramic grinding media Document:View
Title:Modeling results increase productivity in multiphase fracture flow - Bakken Document:View
Title:Montney wells completed with ceramic proppant achieve 34% higher production than sand-only completed wells Document:View
Title:NANOMITE C ceramic microproppant increases long-term well productivity Document:View
Title:New take on stimulations to maximize asset value - Eagle Ford Document:View
Title:New technology sets IP milestone in deep gas well: Pennsylvania Document:View
Title:Nickel mining operation reduces media consumption by switching to CARBOGRIND grinding media Document:View
Title:Onsite diagnostics helps net $1.7 million savings — Eagle Ford Document:View
Title:On-site diagnostics save $80,000 by removing screen-out risks: Eagle Ford Document:View
Title:On-site monitoring helps enhance landowner value — Eagle Ford Document:View
Title:Optimized fracture program increases production, lowers costs in tight offshore pay zone Document:View
Title:Optimizing stage spacing in a vertical well Document:View
Title:Proactive approach prevents scaling in Permian’s water-rich formations Document:View
Title:Production rate increase avoids capital investment for a new line addition Document:View
Title:Radioactive-free solution helps optimize fracturing program Document:View
Title:Reduction in media use and metal penetration significantly lowers operational cost Document:View
Title:Safely charting the course for emerging play development: Middle East Document:View
Title:SALTGUARD inhibits halite scaling, prevents production decline and reduces lease operating expenses Document:View
Title:Scale prevented for over two years in 150 Permian wells with a cumulative 10M bbl of produced water Document:View
Title:SCALEGUARD shows potential to double production life: Manitoba Document:View
Title:SCALEGUARD solves recurring scaling issues where prior liquid inhibitors have failed Document:View
Title:SCALEGUARD technology outperforms all other scale preventative measures in the Permian Document:View
Title:SCALEGUARD tops competitors to become scale inhibitor of choice Document:View
Title:Single-treatment scale prevention sustains production: Utah Document:View
Title:Step-down tests help save $8.7 million over one year —Eagle Ford Document:View
Title:Study shows avoiding overflushing could hike production 10%: Permian Document:View
Title:Successful diversion with CARBOBALL opens increased reservoir rock contact and well productivity Document:View
Title:Tail-in with CARBOAIR ceramic proppant improves reservoir drainage, extends productive life of well Document:View
Title:Tail-in with CARBOAIR improves reservoir contact, increases production by 20% Document:View
Title:Traceable non-radioactive proppant helps reduce stimulation uncertainties Document:View
Title:Traceable proppant provides fracture height to improve performance in low-permeability reservoir Document:View
Title:Value of wellsite analytical expertise reflected in $2.5 million savings — Eagle Ford Document:View
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