CARBOAIR high-transport, ultra low-density ceramic proppant technology

CARBOAIR high-transport, ultra low-density ceramic proppant technology has been developed primarily to increase production and EUR from slickwater fracturing operations. The technology enables operators to avoid the introduction of gel into their fracs while improving reservoir contact and fracture conductivity.


  • Ultra low-density ceramic proppant with chemically-engineered internal porosity
  • Apparent specific gravity of 2.0; approximately 25% lower than sand, resin-coated sand (RCS) or low-density ceramic (LDC)
  • Enhanced transport characteristics: 30%-40% slower settling rates compared to sand or RCS
  • Meets or exceeds the conductivity, strength and durability of sand
  • Available in 40/70, 30/50 and 20/40 mesh sizes


  • Exceptional proppant transport in slickwater and low gel fracturing fluids
  • Increases effective fracture length and fracture height to improve reservoir contact
  • Better proppant packing for vertical and horizontal gravel packed wells
  • Lower total mass of proppant required to prop the same fracture volume as conventional proppant
  • Reduces water consumption and flowback treatment costs in equal volume frac designs
  • Higher production and EUR while lowering finding and development cost per BOE


Watch this video to see how CARBOAIR high-transport, ultra low-density ceramic proppant technology can increase your production.

Get in touch

  • ico-phone+1 800 551 3247
  • ico-location5050 Westway Park Blvd #150, Houston, TX 77041, USA