CARBOGRIND ceramic media products are engineered to provide superior strength, hardness and uniform shape that result in a high resistance to particle attrition and compressive breakdown. This results in less equipment wear during milling, reduces final product contamination and lowers process costs.
CARBOGRIND is engineered for uniform particle size and shape. This reduces wear on mechanical parts of milling equipment, resulting in lower maintenance costs and less down time. The unique chemical composition of CARBOGRIND produces the durability and density that make it ideal for use in vertical mill operations. It is engineered to optimize grinding efficiency in the mill, reducing input energy. The light-colored media yields the desired finish when light color and brightness of the final product are critical.
CARBOGRIND is engineered for uniform particle size and shape. This reduces wear on mechanical parts of milling equipment, resulting in lower maintenance costs and less down time.
The unique chemical composition of CARBOGRIND produces the durability and density that make it ideal for use in vertical mill operations. It is engineered to optimize grinding efficiency in the mill, reducing input energy. The light-colored media yields the desired finish when light color and brightness of the final product are critical.
"CARBO's quality ceramic grinding media is the most efficient grinding media and delivery has always been on time."
A large mining company in southwestern Spain required an optimal grinding media for vertical mills processing lead, copper and zinc. As well as generating the desired grind, the media needed to reduce wear on milling equipment. Read full caase history to find out how CARBOGRIND reduced the final product contamination and lowered process costs all while reducing costs associated with replacement, transport and disposal.
An international mining company acquired operating facilities at a historic gold mining site in the South East United States, and saw the need to improve the quality and efficiency of the milling process. Read full case history to find out how the switch to CARBOGRIND produced purer, higher quality gold than its competitors all while reducing operational costs.
The Canadian site, owned and operated by one of the largest producers of nickel in the world, includes six mines and a mill producing roughly 65,000 metric tons of nickel annually. The company had issues using ceramic media from another supplier, particularly a high rate of media consumption.
A mining company brought a dormant mine back online. After startup, the company sought to optimize production processes at the Metso stirred media detritors (SMDs) 355 operation, especially the reduction of high levels of grinding media consumption, in order to bring the mine up to its projected throughput of 2,500 metric tons per day.
Sizes range from 0.25 mm to 60 mm, with a wide range of specific gravities.
CARBO GRIND, High-performance, low-density ceramic grinding media, low density, grind Learn More
With over 40 years of manufacturing experience that includes state-of-the-art facilities and process expertise, we ensure the highest quality products are manufactured to deliver value to our customers.