Introducing CarboISP Lite

Low-crush low-density Intermediate Strength Proppant

CarboISP Lite Info here


  • Bulk density and specific gravity match sand and lightweight ceramics
  • Similar crush resistance compared to intermediate strength proppants
  • Improved proppant transport
  • Compatible with all fluid systems
  • Low manufacturing and logistics CO2 footprint


  • ISP performance with lightweight density savings
  • Delivers a 20% higher volumetric yield and 20% lower proppant requirement and savings compared to conventional ISPs
  • Enhanced proppant transport allows the use of lower viscosity and cleaner frac fluids
  • Reduces pumped water requirements, easier and faster cleanup times
  • Low CO2 footprint compared to conventional ISPs

Get in touch

  • ico-phone+1 800 551 3247
  • ico-location5050 Westway Park Blvd #150, Houston, TX 77041, USA