Case History

Cast media costs reduced by 55% per cubic foot and cleaning time lowered by 75%

A producer of large cast steel parts (3,500-50,000 lb) for the mining, construction, marine, rail, turbine valves and industrial markets needed to reduce escalating media cost without affecting production quality.
For specialty application requiring high-quality metal finishing, zircon sand was used due to its high refractory value and low thermal expansion that enhanced both dimensional reproducibility and shakeout.
The increased global demand for high-quality zircon sand had made it prohibitively expensive and trials with lower-grade zircon sand proved ineffective due to cast quality issues.
Using zircon sand, the clean-up time on specialty parts could take 30-40 hours to complete, lowering output and adding costs to production.

Read full case history to find out how the switch to ACCUCAST reduced media costs while providing consistent casting of high-quality metal finished parts lowering defect corrections and scrap costs.